Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Moral Stories: Narratives, Anecdotes, Short Stories for general public, young and old alike

Moral Stories are those that are read in childhood, when the soul is pure and clear, and remembered for the rest of the lives. They are also passed on to generations. Through Moral Stories, the idea is to present the greatness of the humanity. Through Moral Stories one can improve their moral values and can learn about the human life.

In the Noble Qur'an, there exists a chapter (28) by the name of Al-Qasas (Narratives / Stories), which itself is proof that man is in need of narratives and stories. In many places in the same Noble Qur'an, stories of Prophets, kings and nations have been mentioned.

In addition, Allah (SWT) has presented issues pertaining to wars, peace, family, religion, society and other similar topics, in the form of narratives and stories. By reading these accounts, the people can comprehend and distinguish the paths of progress and regress, and ascent and descent in every field, especially morals. The entire chapter (12) Yusuf (Joseph) has been devoted to the story of Yusuf (Joseph), Yaqub (Jacob), Zulaikha and the brothers. In the beginning of the Chapter, Allah (SWT) says:

We narrate to you (O' Prophet) the most excellent of the narratives by (means of) what We have revealed to you this Qur'an. Noble Qur'an (12:3)

While, in the concluding verse of this very chapter, Allah (SWT) says:

In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. It is not a narrative which could be forged, but a verification of what is before it and a distinct explanation of all things and a guide and a mercy to a people who believe. Noble Qur'an (12:111)

Indeed, one of the distinguished feats of the Noble Qur'an is this very story of Prophet Yusuf (as), which it refers to as the 'best of the narratives', and at the end of which, it says: In these stories there is a lesson for those, who desire to take a moral and adopt the path of the Perfect Men.

This Moral Stories collection caters for the general public, young and old alike, who are acquainted with basic reading and writing. The subject "Moral" is universal to every human being. Hence these Moral stories are not just for any particular sect or the followers of particular faith, it is for the entire humanity, irrespective of there belief, culture, race, color or age.

Before you read and understand these Moral Stories. Let me share with you a story about a medical doctor, who was invited as a guest speaker to address a group of alcoholics in one of the social programs.

Medical doctor wanted to make a demonstration that would be powerful enough to make people realize that alcohol was injurious to their health. He had two containers, one filled with pure distilled water and another with pure alcohol. He put an earthworm into the distilled water and it swam beautifully and came up to the top. He put another earthworm into the alcohol and it disintegrated in front of everyone's eyes. He wanted to prove that this is what alcohol does inside our body. Hence, he asked the group what the moral of the story?

One person from behind said, "If you drink alcohol you won't have worms in your stomach." Was that the message? Of course not, that was selective listening; we hear what we want to hear and not what is being said. So we understand what we want to understand and follow-up in our lives ... Insha Allah. So, please don't take any negative tip from these Moral Stories.

As far as the issue of associating a story to a particular topic is concerned, we do not claim that the stories allude to just one topic or that particular one which has been specified here; rather, there are stories which can be associated with several other topics too, in addition to the topic under which it has been mentioned here.

It is hoped that the readers, after going through these narratives and stories, reflect upon and take positive lessons from them so that they are able to create within themselves, a new impetus towards perfection of morals; and Insha Allah, those who are endowed with laudable morals, should relate them to others, for rectification and remedy of the weaker souls.

The Road to Success is not straight:

There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, caution lights called family, and you will have flats called jobs.

But, if you have a spare called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, and a driver called God, you will make it to a place called success!

Live for something:

Do good, and leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy. Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven.

Pearls of Wisdom:

  • Don't love the Heart that hurts you and don't hurt the Heart that loves you.
  • Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
  • Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
  • Most people walk in and out of your life, but only friend's leave footprints in your heart.
  • True friendship "never" ends. Friends are forever.
  • People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
  • If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere.
  • The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
  • A change of heart changes everything.
  • Our greatest glory is not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall.
  • You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough.
  • One generation plants trees, and the next enjoys the shade.
  • It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future, and impossible to live in the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.

You are what you think!

  • Your inner thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.
  • What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become. It's a psychological law that whatever you desire to accomplish you must first impress upon your subconscious mind.
  • Relentless, repetitive self talk will change your self image. You'll affect your subconscious mind with verbal repetition. Constant repetition carries conviction.
  • When you change your values you'll change your behavior. Start thinking of yourself as becoming the person you want to be. Self suggestion will make you the master of yourself.
  • If you believe you can, you can.
  • You can become whatever you want to be.

Must do:

  • In each task that must be done, there is opportunity. See the task not as a burden, but as an encouragement to be fully alive and effective.
  • The real burden would be the inability to do anything. No task is a burden, but is instead the chance to express your own aliveness.
  • Does the work seem dreary, unimaginative, tedious or boring? That's mainly because your attitude makes it so.
  • See what happens when you start by being thankful for the opportunity to do it. Your genuine gratitude will help you to see the positive value.
  • When the things you must do become things you want to do, it can transform your life. Each moment takes on more meaning; each effort brings greater and greater reward.
  • Rather than fighting and forcing yourself to do what must be done, let go of your resistance and allow yourself to accomplish. Let what you must, become what you want, and watch yourself begin to soar.

One step away:

  • If you were just one step away from reaching your goal, would you take that step? How do you know, right now, that you're not?
  • What a shame it would be to stop making the effort, when just a little bit more would make it all worthwhile. What a shame it would be to have taken all those steps, only to miss the very last one.
  • The next step you take may very well be the one that makes all the others count. You owe it to yourself, and the efforts you've made, to keep going.
  • No, the next step may not get you there. Yet what about the one after that? If you keep moving ahead, a little at a time, you will indeed arrive. When you take that final, triumphant step, you'll be so very thankful you persevered.
  • At some point success is just one step away. Keep going and you'll be there.

Slow down:

  • Life is not a race. It is a journey.
  • Getting someplace first, before anyone else, has very little real and lasting meaning. Seek instead to encourage others to come along, and you'll find the journey much more fulfilling.
  • When you hurry through each moment, you miss out on the richness that could be yours. Take the time to live, to experience where you are, rather than being so obsessed with getting to the next checkpoint.
  • When you stop demanding to have it all now, you'll discover that you have plenty already. Learn to experience joy where you are, and you'll experience it in abundance.
  • Yes, it can be wonderfully exhilarating when life is moving quickly. But do not move so quickly that speed becomes your only experience, for there is so much more to enjoy.
  • The terrain of life is filled with wonderful and astounding detail. Slow down and take in its richness.

Islamic Unity:

  • Allah says in The Noble Qur'an: "The Believers are but a single Brotherhood." [Al-Hujurat 49:10]
  • The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer."
  • The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "Believers are brethren, their lives are equal to each other and they are as one hand against their enemy."
  • The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "It is not permissible for two Muslims to be annoyed and angry for more that three days."
  • The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "When Muslims are angry with each other for three days. If they do not compromise then they go away from the limits of Islam and the one who compromise first will enter Jannah (Paradise) earlier."

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